Fact number one: I'm definitely no chef. In actual fact I have been known to be so bad that I've even heated up a pre made curry wrong (all the packaging I left it in melted-it was a disaster, but thats another story!) But when I saw this super easy summery salad online a couple of weeks ago I just couldn't help but give it a try, and it only takes 5 simple steps!
You will need:
- 1/2 a watermelon
-Quater of a cucumber
-A handful of Feta cheese
-A few mint leaves
-100ml of Balsamic Vinegar
Step two: Chop up the cucumber into little squares and mix with the melon.
Step three: Pop the balsamic vinegar into a saucepan and heat up on a low heat in order to form a balsamic reduction.
Step four: Shred the mint leaves and add them to the mix, as well as some crumbled feta cheese.
Step five: Make it all look pretty with a little more feta and some mint leaves to garnish, then drizzle on the balsamic glaze, and your good to go!
This is so yummy, definitely a good summer time lunch option especially as tesco are stocked high with watermelons at the moment! Or even as a little salad to go at a BBQ, definitely looks impressive for just five little steps!
Really hope you enjoyed this post, will be back to beauty for the next one I promise!
Caitlin B x