It helps to have a nice view whilst running! |
When I was younger I would do a lot of exercise, I would have a dance class 4 times a week and on a weekend I would train in ju-jitsu. And this meant that I never really thought all that much about my diet or worried about my weight. Myself taking part in these activities came to an end for all sorts of reasons and I never really started any other exercise but I was still always happy with the way I looked.
But then I went to University and it all changed. Whilst at uni, it is very easy to do very little in the way of activity and eat what ever you want, when ever you want. And, like before, I never worried about what I was eating because I was happy with the way I looked. By the time first year was over, I had gained quite a bit of weight, I can't tell you how much exactly because I always refused to weigh myself but some of my favourite clothes no longer fitted me right and this made me very very sad.
So, since returning home for the summer, I have started a diet and an exercise regime (with massive help from my mum!). My diet pretty much consists of eating as healthily as possible at all times, so there aren't really any rules like a lot of diets. I do allow myself the occasional cheat day, especially on special occasions!
Fitness wise, I like to think of myself as going from 'Zero to Hero'. I wasn't doing a single hour of exercise a week and now after 3 weeks, I'm doing up to 5 training sessions a week. These include running; I couldn't even run down the road before and yesterday I did my first 4K run!, going to the gym once a week, and a session called Bootcamp which is just like circuit training (I find this really tough, but still enjoyable). Actually, I'm enjoying all of the exercise that I do now, and I think that's key. If you're not enjoying it that you won't have the will power to do it!
After 3 weeks friends and family have already mentioned that I look slimmer and more toned, and now that I have finally started weighing myself I can definitely see the effects; I had lost 5 1/2 pounds in 2 weeks and that was definitely an incentive to keep it up!
I plan to keep you updated as I progress (mum wants me to run a 10K race with her in September, so that's the target), and I also plan to share healthy recipes that I'm loving too so keep an eye out!
Caitlin A