Beauty. Spring clean Jenna Marbles

Confessions of a Goo Hoarder


Since Jenna Marbles coined the term 'Goo Hoarder' in her video Things I Don't Understand About Girls I couldn't really deny that I was one, and if you're honest girls, you probably are too! A goo hoarder is simply someone who already owns masses of half used beauty products but still feels the need to continue to go out and buy more. You're standing in the drug store and you just cannot resist that new moisturiser that has just been released, regardless of the fact you have a drawer full of perfectly good moisturisers at home! It's not necessary, it takes up storage space and above all, I'm just not getting my moneys worth out of the products I never seem to finish! Well I vow to put a stop to this and I am making a conscious effort to sort through my masses of products, (what you see in the photos above is just a mere fraction) rediscover some old favourites and make sure I use as many as I can up before I run out to Boots and buy even more!

If you think you're a Goo Hoarder too, I urge you to join me and make the most of you're hard earned money you spend on these products! And if there are some products you don't use because you didn't really like them, then maybe offer them to friends and family who might really love them! (As long as it's hygienic to do so of course!)

Good luck!

Caitlin A


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